Friday, January 30, 2009

February 27th is a go!

The ultrasound went well today. (That's a very good picture of his very round chubby face.) Baby looks good; fluid levels look good. The baby is measuring 3 days ahead of schedule at an estimated 6 lbs 1 oz. That is just 2 oz shy of what Faith weighed when she was born, and we still have 4 weeks to go. With average fetal weight gain in these final weeks being 1/2 lb a week, I could end up with an 8 lb baby...this one could be big!

Dr Pete answered some of our questions afterwards. He said he ordered the ultrasound to check the size of the baby and fluid levels, because high blood pressure during pregnancy causes the blood vessels to constrict, which can impede the flow of fluids and nutrients to the baby. This would cause low fluid levels and smaller baby. But that doesn't appear to be the case here. I will be going off the baby aspirin starting next Thursday in prep for delivery. I will start seeing the doctor once a week as well.

Dr Pete also allowed us to schedule the ultrasound. We are scheduled for 9:30am on February 27th. So, mark your calendars!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Another Ultrasound

I am now at 33 weeks, just 6 or 7 weeks away from delivery. I saw the doctor on Friday and he has scheduled me for another ultrasound on 1/30/09. He said everything looks good, but wants to check the size and position of the baby, fluid levels, and placenta location. I suspect its in prep for the C section since he didn't have any concerns other than my blood pressure is still higher than it should be. So look forward to some more ultrasound pictures in a couple of weeks.
Dennis and I are hoping that seeing the baby one more time before delivery will help us come up with a name, since we can't seem to hit on one that we both like. But, other than the name, Dennis and I ready for baby. We have a crib, a carseat, some clothes and blankets. All we need is to bring home a healthy baby in a few weeks.
We are just two and a half weeks away from Faith being 3. She talks a mile a minute ALL THE TIME!  You do have to watch what you say around her, because she makes a great echo. But we love it anyway. She loves to do whatever her big brother is doing, and for the most part he tolerates it pretty well. When Seth isn't around, she likes her dollies and playing mommy, and playing with their new dollhouse. She is taking a tumbling class now at the Y which she seems to really like. Daddy says she is the best somersaulter in the class.
Seth is doing well in school. His reading has improved dramatically since the beginning of the year and he is now reading slightly ahead of the required levels. He still works at his writing which is somewhat messy, but this has also improved from the beginning of the year. His favorite thing right now is Star Wars Clone Wars, the cartoon, and building things...with legos, with magnetics, with imaginext, anything. He is very creative and has a vivid imagination with his structures.